Letter from the Under-Secretary-General

by Zeynep Sude Kaplan

To each and all of my respective delegates,

It is a pleasure to be able to present to you this committee in this edition of ILERIMUN. We, as the academic team, have worked hard and long hours in order to make sure you have the best academic experience possible for the upcoming four days. It is an honor for me to be able to shine a light on historic events with such importance using the platforms provided by distinguished events such as ILERIMUN.

A few chapters in the enormous fabric of human history stand out as shining examples of bravery, resiliency, and revolutionary change. One such story that endures through the ages is the one about the Turkic States, a historic phenomenon that started in the middle of the 20th century that echoes the unwavering spirit of a group of people seeking justice and liberty by all means. I truly do hope these states’ fight inspires you as much as it inspired me as I was digging through historical archives and old diary entries, peeking into the lives and minds of these courageous souls.

For history is a storehouse of lessons just waiting to be discovered, rather than just a chronicle. It is a study of the threads that unite the fabric of our common human experience in order to understand the intricate details of historical occurrences. These tales of turmoil and change reveal not just the key characteristics of a country's development, but also allow an intimate viewpoint into the minds and struggles of many, understand the fragile timeless human connection that existed many years ago and will continue to exist forever, that is the search for true freedom. The title and the leader may change, but humanity's fight for their right to true liberty will remain a phenomenon that will outlive both you and me.

Best regards,

  • zeynepkaplantr@outlook.com

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