What Does the Assembly Aim To Achieve?

The Assembly is dedicated to upholding the goals and tenets of the United Nations (UN) Charter as well as other universally acknowledged principles and standards of international law, such as sovereign equality, territorial integrity, and the inviolability of states' internationally recognized borders, as well as the preservation of global peace, security, and the advancement of amicable and good-neighbor relations.

The primary objectives of the Assembly of Turkic-speaking States are to reveal opportunities for shared growth among its member states, encourage broad cooperation, and bolster peace and stability. Even though it convenes a certain set of nations, the assembly adopts a non-exclusive stance. On the contrary, it seeks to function as a new regional tool for strengthening international cooperation in the Eurasian continent, notably in Central Asia and the Caucasus, by fostering closer ties and solidarity amongst Turkic-speaking nations.

Built around the four primary pillars of shared history, language, identity, and culture, the Assembly is not restricted by these shared characteristics. Rather, it seeks to expand the Member States' current bilateral collaboration into multilateral cooperation for the benefit of the region in a variety of domains, including the economy, science, education, transportation, customs, and tourism. In order to maintain peace and stability in its region, especially in areas like transportation, customs, and tourism, the Assembly voluntarily collaborates with its neighboring nations and does not confine itself to the borders of its Member nations.

In line with the objectives of the Turkic Council, according to the Nakhchivan Agreement, the member states of the Turkic Council stated their dedication to the objectives of the UN agreement and stated that the main goal of the Turkic Council is to contribute to regional and global peace by promoting cooperation among Turkic-speaking states. Member nations have pledged their commitment to key ideals such as democracy, respecting human rights, the rule of law, and ideal governance. The foundation of the collaboration between the member nations of the Turkic Council is the sharing of a shared history, culture, and identity as well as the unique solidarity that results from the cooperation of the Turkic people.

The main objectives of the Assembly set out in Article 2 of the Nakhchivan Agreement are as follows:

‘Establishing effective regional and bilateral cooperation in all areas related to shared goals; fostering trade and investment; aiming for a comprehensive and balanced economic system; strengthening mutual trust between the parties; maintaining peace in the region and beyond; adopting common positions on foreign policy issues; coordinating actions to combat international terrorism, separatism, extremism, and cross-border crime; promoting the exchange of information and judicial cooperation on legal matters; expanding interaction in the fields of science, technology, education and culture while encouraging more intensive communication with mass media in these fields.’

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